Money Two-Step Problems
Two-step word problems involving money. Calculate how much change is given when 2 or more items are purchased. Designed for use as a teaching aid on an interactive whiteboard.
Inside the Church
Check if you know the items found inside a church and find out what each one is for.
Okta's Rescue
Use your counting skills to save Okta and his friends. You need to count them to move them to a safe ocean. When you have finished counting use the number line to see how many you have saved altogether.
How Electricity Works
An animated guide to the science of electricity. It covers how it works, how it is measured, how it reaches our homes and green options.
Maths Choppity Chop
This game covers a selection of maths questions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, doubling and more. Answer the questions then chop the vegetables but avoid the steel bar and saw.
Teaching Science through Stories
Looking for inspiration for science activities in the classroom? This site has some great ideas taking stories as a starting point. Well worth exploring.
Violet's Vowel Suffix
A spelling game with two parts: a demonstration mode and a game mode. It teaches important suffixes such as ing, ed, ey and er. It is great for teaching when to double consonants when adding suffixes.
Plural Pirates
A useful spelling tutorial and game about adding s or es to a word to make it into a plural. It also covers plurals of words ending in y.
Phonics Songs
Catchy animated phonics songs for both revising and teaching letter-sounds from Teaching Your Monster to Read.
NASA Kids' Club
NASA provides a safe website for children to play as they learn about NASA and its missions. Content includes images, games and activities on space including all the Solar System and missions. Download free app too.