The Poetry Zone
An inspirational poetry site with all sorts. If you are between 4 and 18 you can send in your poems to be published. There are ideas for teachers on how to teach poetry. Read interviews with poets and find contact details for poets who visit schools.
The Learning Zone
Designed especially for children by Oxford University Museum of Natural History, there are lots of fun things to do and learn here. Sections include: Animals, Insects, Rocks, Fossils, Minerals, Funstuff.
Information, pictures, posters and photographs from the Imperial War Museum about the Evacuees from towns and cities in Britain during the Second World War.
The Gunpowder Plot
A PowerPoint and videos about the Gunpowder Plot. The videos serve as an introduction to the story of Guy Fawkes and the origins of Bonfire night but they are not suitable for younger pupils.
The Norman Conquest
A clear account of the Norman Conquest from BBC Bitesize including the background of the rival claims to the British throne.
The Victorian Period
Basic information about daily life in Victorian England and Wales. The site has outline details of Victorian personalities such as Queen Victoria, George Stephenson, Gladstone and Disraeli.
A Beginner's Guide to the Anglican Church
Although this site is from New Zealand it explains what goes on inside an Anglican Church and what Christians believe.
Eight learner guides and seven class clips videos on the Anglo-Saxons from the BBC.
Jack and the Beanstalk
An animated story of the fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk in short video clips from the BBC.
Christmas Chain
A Christmas fun game. Identify and match Christmas baubles against the clock.