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Eric the Engine

Listen to and watch the animated story of Eric the Engine. The site works well on an interactive whiteboard.

3-5 year olds


A safe search engine for finding sound effects and musical instruments.

5-16 year olds

In Search of Scotland

Trace the history of Scotland on this BBC site, from bronze age times, through the Wars of Independence to the impact of independence and industrialisation.

11-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Energising Futures Primary Resources

The Energising Futures programme is designed to specifically increase young people’s understanding and enjoyment of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Lots of great free primary school resources!

4-11 year olds
Teachers, Parents

Genes and Inheritance

A brilliant resource for GCSE students on all about genes, DNA, inheritance, cloning. It explains how we can use genes.

14-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Christmas Wordsearch

See if you can find all the Christmas words in this Christmas word search puzzle. You can either solve the puzzle online or print it out.

6-11 year olds

Design and Technology on the Web

A design technology resource for teachers and students packed with information, exam help, project specific help and worksheets. This site has been created by a design technology teacher.

11-16 year olds

History Trails - Victorian Britain

Follow the history trail which includes games to find out about life in Victorian times. This site from the BBC has information on the industrial revolution, social conditions, occupations and Victorian women.

11-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Bloodhound SSC Education Programme

The BLOODHOUND engineering adventure provides inspiration for the next generation of scientists and engineers. The BLOODHOUND Education Programme is available to all pupils in primary and secondary schools. Register for free access to the materials.

9-18 year olds


Search for and download royalty-free high quality images.

5-18 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents
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