Holy Week
The last week of Lent is known as Holy Week. Find out about the history and traditions of the days which make up Holy Week, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
Measuring in Cm
A measuring game which can help children to understand how to use a ruler. Children need to measure various objects against a centimetre ruler. Two levels of difficulty with whole centimetre and half centimetre examples.
Ash Wednesday
Read about the religious traditions of Ash Wednesday which is the first day of Lent in Christian churches in the UK.
Dropping In
A great sentence exercise which can help you to write interesting sentences.
Planet Under Pressure
BBC News Online explores our planet's most pressing environmental issues. The site takes a look at six areas where a crisis could be brewing: food, water, energy, climate change, biodiversity and pollution.
Mothering Sunday
Learn all about Mothering Sunday or Mother's Day as it is known in the UK. Find out the history and traditions behind Mothering Sunday.
Easter Sunday
Read about the customs and traditions of Easter Day in the UK. Find out why Easter Day is a happy day for Christians and why eggs are associated with Easter.
The Children's Poetry Archive
A superb selection of poems arranged by themes, style or author. You can listen to an audio track of each poem being read by the author.
Telling the Time in Words
A game where you need to tell the time in words. Use language such as 'o'clock', 'half past' and 'quarter to' and compare the analogue time to digital time. The site works very well on an interactive whiteboard.
Rocket Rounding
A multiple choice game involving rounding numbers to ten, a hundred and to a whole number. There are two options, one with a number line and the other more difficult level, without one.