Ladybird Spots
Three different counting, matching and ordering maths games based on the numbers 1 to 10 for early years children.
Designing at Key Stage One
This collection of eight of units of work developed by the Nuffield Foundation to support Key Stage One Design Technology.
Listen and Play The Billy Goats Gruff
An EYFS resource from the BBC which has songs, rhymes and listening games as well as the story The Billy Goats Gruff.
Free downloadable Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 display resources.
Games, a story and a colouring picture based around the character Miffy created by Dick Bruna. You can send your friends a Miffy card by email.
Little Red Riding Hood
A delightfully animated story of this traditional fairy tale. Best in full screen mode.
In the Jungles of Brazil
A charming animated song about jungle animals. Children can sing along and and join in with the animal noises.
Starfall - Learn to Read
A good learning to read site. There are good quality games and animated stories which children can interact with. The children can click on words to see what they say. Excellent for learning the sounds the letters make.
Life Stages
A life stages activity, with audio, where children need to drag and drop various of images into the correct positions on the relevant life stages. It includes life stages of a butterfly, chicken, flower, frog, human and a tree.
Fun, games and colouring from children's BBC. Young children will recognise their favourite characters. The games are great fun and they can help your child learn.