Teddy Numbers
The Teddy Numbers game can help you to learn numbers to 15. Learn the digits and words for the numbers and it game can help you learn to count too.
Guided Reading and Reading Games with Roy the Zebra
A wonderful guided reading story with accompanying printable worksheets and guided reading discussion sheets. There are 80 interactive literacy games, stories and songs for use in school or at home. Well worth a look!
Underwater Counting
Can you find the treasure? You need to count the underwater creatures. This game has two levels: Count to 5 and Count to 10.
Coins Game
Coins game is a money game which introduces children to coinage in British, Australian, American and Euro currencies. There are three modes: Sorting, Ordering and Counting money.
Gingerbread Man Game
Counting and sequencing games where you can learn your numbers to 10. Works well on an interactive whiteboard.
Elmo's World Games
Have fun exploring Elmo's World where there are lots of activities for you to try. Some games are useful for learning early shapes.
Hit the Button
Quick fire questions on number bonds, doubling, halving, times tables, division facts and square numbers against the clock. Brilliant for improving mental maths and calculation skills, but particularly times tables either up to 10 or up to 12 times.
Toy Shop Money Game
Money games where children work out which coins will buy toy shop items and where they can calculate change. Tablet-friendly and with different levels of difficulty. GDP, USD, EURO and AUD options are available.
White Rose Maths Home Learning
The White Rose Maths Team has prepared a series of five maths lessons for each year group from Year 1-9 to help parents with home learning.
Chinese Dragon Game
Chinese Dragon Game is an ordering and sequencing numbers game based on the Chinese New Year dragon theme.