Symmetry Matching
Symmetry matching game involving mirroring pictures, shapes and patterns along lines of symmetry.
Symmetry Painter
A painting tool where you paint a symmetrical pattern. Use either brushes or stamps to create your picture. You can even design a pizza with two lines of symmetry.
Number Line
An interactive number line to support the teaching of number and scales. Useful for teaching negative numbers. It has been designed for use on an interactive whiteboard.
Graphing Lines
Explore the world of lines. Investigate the relationships between linear equations, slope, and graphs of lines.
Using Numbers on a Number Line
An excellent podcast with ideas for improving children's understanding of number lines and how teachers can draw out pupils' reasoning skills, use of language and the beginning of understanding proportion.
Symmetry Sorting
Sort the pictures, shapes and letters into symmetrical and not symmetrical sets.
Christmas Worksheets
We've put together a selection of Christmas-themed maths worksheets. There are counting, ordering, addition, subtraction, data-handling, measuring and symmetry activities. Mostly KS1 but the addition puzzles are suitable for KS2.
Symmetry Invaders
Defend your planet from the invaders. You must complete each alien's symmetry to destroy it but be careful because if you miss they will fire back. There are 20 levels.
Add and Subtract on a Number Line
Try adding and subtracting near multiples on a number line. Develop mental methods of addition and subtraction by adding and subtracting a multiple of 10 or 100, and then adjusting. Works well on IWB.
Placing Numbers on a Number Line
A versatile number line that can be used at many different levels beginning at numbers 1 to 10 up to fractions, decimals and negative numbers. Place numbers on a number line and see how close you can get.