Percentage Spider
How quickly can you find all the percentages of the given number?
Playground Percentages
Use your knowledge of fractions and percentages to design a new school. Calculate the percentage of the total site used for each part of the school. Use a number line with fractions on it to represent the percentages.
Match Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
A matching game which can help you to recognise equivalence of fractions, decimals and percentages. Displays well on interactive whiteboard.
A game of estimation. You need to estimate where on a decimal number line to position the claw grabber to match a percentage figure. It is a good way of testing whether you understand the relationship between decimals and percentages.
Maths Choppity Chop
This game covers a selection of maths questions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, doubling and more. Answer the questions then chop the vegetables but avoid the steel bar and saw.
Maths is Fun
A useful site if you are struggling with your maths as it explains different areas of maths. You can then work through examples and answers are provided. It is an American site, with something for all age groups. There is useful maths dictionary of terms.
Maths Invaders
Shoot the spaceship with the correct answer and dodge the incoming fire. A fun game to practise a wide range of key mathematical skills. There are over a hundred carefully differentiated levels.
Monty's Maths Wall
A good game for practising a wide range of mathematical skills including multiplication, addition, reading numbers, subtraction, fractions of numbers, division, decimals and percentages and simplifying fractions and more.
Primary Resources
Don't miss this wealth of worksheets, ideas, activities and resources for primary teachers. Sections included are literacy, homework, maths, science and art. Some resources are online, others are in PDF format.