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Robot Addition

Robot Addition is a multiple choice addition game for 5 to 7 year olds. It has three game modes: Addition to 10, Addition to 15 and Addition to 20.

5-7 year olds

Robot More or Less

Robot More or Less is a flexible addition or subtraction matching game. It is useful for developing mental maths skills.

5-11 year olds

Addition to 10

A useful introduction to the concept of addition which features cute animals to count and a number line.

4-5 year olds

Fruit Splat Addition

7 levels of addition sums to solve. The levels go up to adding two digit numbers with regrouping. Splat the fruit with the correct answers. Vary the speed to give yourself more time.

6-9 year olds

Thinking Blocks Addition and Subtraction Problems

An excellent step by step tool for modelling addition and subtraction problems.

7-9 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Fruit Splat Fraction Addition

Splat the fruit in this fractions addition game. There are six levels of difficulty.

10-11 year olds

Addition and Subtraction Facts

This is a brilliant animated resource for demonstrating addition and subtraction facts to 20. Super for number bonds and missing numbers.

4-7 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

The Column Method for Addition

Practise your column addition skills with the calculation already set out for you. The examples progress from the addition of two single-digits to questions with five digit answers.

5-11 year olds

Dartboard Addition

Use the image of a dartboard to reinforce addition. You can choose to reveal or input the answers.

5-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Alien Addition

A quick fire space invader type addition game. It is quite a challenge but will help you learn your number bonds to 20. Great for improving your mental maths skills.

5-11 year olds
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