Teaching Clock
Teaching Clock is an open-ended teaching resource to help children explore telling the time in both analogue and digital formats. The digital clocks can be viewed in either 12-hour or 24-hour layout.
Red Cross Teaching Resources
Free teaching resources ideal for Citizenship, PSHE, tutor time and more.
TES Resources
If you are a teaching professional you may like to checkout the TES teachers' resource area which has more than 44,000 teacher created resources all free to download. They cover a vast range of subjects and all age groups.
WWF Teaching Resources
Teaching resources from the World Wildlife Fund including lesson plans, suggested topics for discussion and project ideas.
Interactive Teaching Program on Area
This interactive teaching tool can be used in a variety of mathematical contexts such as multiplication arrays, finding different shapes with the same area, nets and more. It is useful because there are different backgrounds such as dots.
Organ Donation Teaching Resources
At NHS Blood and Transplant, we have developed free teaching resources aimed at Key Stage 3 and 4 students to give young people the facts about organ and tissue donation. It includes lesson plans and a teacher guidance pack.
The Royal Mint Teaching Resources
Explore the world of coins, their history, design and manufactures. Each lesson pack, designed for classrooms in England and Wales, comes complete with teachers’ notes, lesson plans, fact files, worksheets and whiteboard resource.
Reach Out
Teach primary science with confidence. Free access to online continuing professional development for all UK primary school teachers in the UK. Fun science activities also for parents to do at home.
Teaching Library
Teaching Ideas has excellent free teaching suggestions and lesson resources linked to a selection of children's books and literature.
English Heritage Teaching and Learning
Find out about how you can take your class to over 400 English Heritage sites for free!