Chinese Dragon Game
Have you seen our tablet friendly Chinese Dragon Game which involves ordering and sequencing numbers and that we designed especially with Chinese New Year in mind?
Ordering and Sequencing
Suitable for 5 to 11 year olds, this maths game has different levels which can be matched to a child's mathematical ability level.
The drag and drop activities help children to order numbers, beginning at a basic level and progressing to more challenging exercises ordering decimal and negative numbers. The sequencing activities help children to recognise number sequences and reinforce their knowledge of multiples. The game includes both forwards and backwards ordering and sequencing numbers making it a versatile tool in the primary classroom. Why not give it a try?
Sequencing Menu Options
If you prefer a more all-round year theme, our Caterpillar Ordering game is the same game with a different skin. Numbers are randomly generated which discourages the copying of answers from peers on other devices and the game records correct answers against attempts so children can see their scores.