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Area Builder Maths Resource

Posted on 02-Apr-15

We've just added an exceptional maths site to our search engine called Area Builder. We love it because it has a teaching section which is ideal for demonstrating areas, perimeters and fractions of shapes on an interactive whiteboard and it also has a games section where children can test their skills. The site is tablet friendly.

You can toggle between two alternative screens in the teaching demonstration section. This may be useful when comparing shapes with the same area but with different perimeters. You can choose to display a background grid or perimeter measures next to the shapes. As this is a simulation the areas of shapes displayed are in units rather than specific measurements so this would need to be pointed out to children.

Two pane teaching demo mode

Two pane teaching demo mode

The game section has six levels of difficulty making it useful for 6 - 11 year olds. The more challenging higher levels require children to think about shading fractions of shapes as well as their areas and perimeters. We love the fact that questions are all randomly generated too giving lots of opportunities for children to practice and few chances for children in a class situation to 'copy' the answers of their peers on neighbouring workstations.

Area, Perimeter and Fraction Goals

Area, Perimeter and Fraction Goals