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Two Useful Place Value Teaching Resources

Posted on 29-Aug-15

Here are two useful place value teaching tools that work together really well. They're ideal for demonstration on an interactive whiteboard too. The first is our own Place Value Charts which has both a teaching mode and practise mode. It's best viewed in full-screen by clicking on the icon in the top right corner.

Place Value Charts Menu

Place Value Charts Menu

There are five levels beginning with double digits and progressing to numbers with two decimal places. You can decide on whether numbers are presented in numerals or words.

Place Value Charts

Place Value Charts

Another great resource is Number Pieces which offers a visual representation of numbers in the form of hundreds, tens and units blocks. Diagrams can be annotated with the 'pen' and the facility for linking blocks and joining blocks is ideal for demonstrating how tens or hundreds are made up. There are good instructions but we found the easiest way to link or split blocks is to select them by drawing round with your mouse. The fact you can split hundreds or tens makes the resource ideal for demonstrating subtraction by decomposition too. You can always find Number Pieces by searching in our search engine.

Number Pieces

Number Pieces