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New Maths Ordering Game Launched

Posted on 12-Aug-17

Have you seen our new Coconut Ordering maths game yet? It's been designed to help children compare and order different numbers from the early basics to decimal numbers. We've also included ordering of metric quantities involving length, mass, capacity and money. The money mode has three currency options: Pounds, Dollars and Euros.


The game has different ability levels making it suitable for children from 5 to 11 years of age. They need to knock down the coconuts in order of size from smallest to largest. The more difficult levels will help them to expand their experience of decimal notation and how decimals are used to record money and measures. It will also aid their ability to compare different units of measures.


The game is mobile friendly and it works well on an interactive whiteboard. As with all our games, for the best experience press the full-screen icon in the top right corner of the game.
