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The first day of Spring and a Solar Eclipse in the UK

It's one of those rare days today, 20th March 2015, where several celestial events occur. Not only is it the spring equinox, the first day of spring, the date when the hours of day and night are the same, but there is a solar eclipse and a supermoon too.


Resources for Shakespeare Week

Did you know it's Shakespeare Week, a national annual celebration designed to introduce primary school children to Shakespeare's life, work and times in a fun way? The official Shakespeare Week site, coordinated by the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, has free downloadable resources for educators.


Free Primary Maths App - Pattern Shapes

The fantastic primary maths iOS app called Pattern Shapes is free with no in-app purchases, so downloading it is a no-brainer. It's very versatile and can be used throughout the primary age range.


Explore our free Easter Resources

Easter will soon be upon us! We've lots of Easter themed primary age classroom resources which include an illustrated Easter story, Easter traditions such as the Easter Bunny, and Easter craftables and recipes.


A Clever Classroom Idea for Dice Games

We want to share a great idea for the primary classroom, one which is so simple we wish we had thought of it. It's the use of dice in small, see-through containers when playing maths games in the primary classroom.


Full of the Joys of Spring?

Are you full of the joys of spring? Well maybe not if you are back at school tomorrow after half-term. However, spring is just round the corner and if you're planning a topic on the spring season then our comprehensive All about Spring topic may be just the thing you're looking for.


It's Chinese New Year of the Goat!

Happy Chinese New Year to all those celebrating today! It's now the Year of the Goat (Sheep or Ram), which is the eighth animal in the Chinese Zodiac cycle.


Number Rack - Free on the Web and iPad

A cracking teaching resource that we've added to our search engine recently is Number Rack. It's available either on the web or as a free app on iPad and iPhone.


Free Mini-book Templates for Lapbooks

Following our recent popular post suggesting lapbooks for topic work we've created additional mini-book templates which you are welcome to download below for free.


Chinese Dragon Game

Have you seen our tablet friendly Chinese Dragon Game which involves ordering and sequencing numbers and that we designed especially with Chinese New Year in mind?