Make an Easter Chick Card
How about making this cute, Easter chick card? It's so simple and quick to make. Follow our instructions and see how easy it is.
You will need:
- A4 green card
- A5 yellow card or paper
- Pink card
- Orange paper for beak
- Black felt tip pen
- Mug to draw around
- Pencil
- Glue
- Scissors
What you do:
Draw a circle on one end of your yellow card by drawing round a mug with a pencil. You may find it easier
if you turn your mug upside down. Cut carefully round the circle. This will be your chick's body.
Draw another circle the same size in the same way on pink card for the egg shell. Fold this circle exactly
in half and cut along the fold. Starting at the top corner of the shell cut some zig-zag cuts into the egg
shell to look like a broken shell. Be careful to end your zig-zag cuts start and finish at the other top
corners. You may prefer to lightly draw light guide lines before you begin cutting.
Fold the rest of the yellow paper into two and draw a wing shape. Cut through both layers together to give
you two wings the same size and shape. Remember to make the wing a bit longer than can be seen in the finished
chick because it needs to be stuck behind the body. Draw the feathers smaller than the wings but you will only
need to cut one out.
Make sure you turn the egg shell and chick body over so the pencil lines cannot be seen and glue the shell onto the
body taking care to match the edges so the chick fits into the shell.
Carefully glue the wings and feathers to the back of the body. The wings should go at the sides just above the shell and feathers in the centre at the top.
Draw two eyes on the chick with a black felt tip pen. Cut out an orange beak and stick it on your chick.
Write your Easter greeting either near the top or bottom of your Easter card. Spread glue on the back of your chick
and glue it in place being careful not to cover your writing. Let the chick dry in place before writing inside your card.
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