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Ordering and Sequencing Mental Maths Place Value Addition and Subtraction Times Tables Multiplication and Division Fractions and Decimals Money Shape, Position and Movement Measures Data Handling Problem SolvingMental Maths Games
Hit the Button
Quick fire questions on number bonds, times tables and division facts against the clock. Superb!
Daily 10
Daily 10 has maths questions on a range of maths concepts: addition, subtraction, ordering, partitioning, digit values, rounding, multiplication, division, doubles, halves and fractions. Great starter or plenary activity. Useful for mental maths.
Mental Maths Train
Mental Maths Train is a maths game which focuses on the essential vocabulary of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. A multiple choice game which can give children confidence in the four arithmetic operations.
Year 6 Arithmetic Practice
Test your knowledge in preparation for SATs. This interactive quiz has the type of questions that appear on Paper 1 - Arithmetic.
Alien Addition
A quick fire space invader type addition game. It is quite a challenge but will help you learn your number bonds to 20. Great for improving your mental maths skills.
Random Spinners
Spin from 1 - 4 spinners. With the built in activities you need to find the rule to produce a result using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Prodigy Game
An engaging adventure game for students as they explore the Prodigy Maths Game world. Answer maths questions to complete fantasy quests and earn in-game rewards. It's free too!
Loop Cards
Fantastic for improving your mental maths. Complete the loop against the clock. All types of calculations. You play the game similar to dominoes. NB The 75% section is faulty.
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