Great Range of Content
In Hit the Button you answer as many questions as possible in minute-long games, or you can practise without
the pressure of a countdown timer. Questions
are randomly generated which means it is very replayable. The game has been designed for
children, with large, widely spaced buttons.
Hit the Button is very flexible, with 166 different maths game modes of varying difficulties and across six topics.
These topics cover the four standard arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Trophies and High Scores
After each game, the score achieved is displayed along with the player's high score.
Bronze, silver or gold stars and trophies are awarded depending on the score achieved in each game.
Results Tracking
You can create up to 30 player profiles per device to track individual players' scores and trophies. If you prefer
there's also the option to play as a guest.
We've made it very easy for children to quickly switch profile after playing a game, if they're sharing a device.
All pupil data is stored locally on your device so you don't have to worry about privacy issues.
Topic Details
Times Tables
You can select individual or mixed times tables up to 10 or 12. There are two different options 'Hit the Answer' or 'Hit the Question'
which can help consolidate multiplication facts in a fun way that kids enjoy.
Number Bonds
This topic includes number bonds, addition and subtraction facts, up to 10, 20, 100. The addition facts include three
single digit addition, decimal number bonds to 1 and 10 and missing number problems (addends).
This topic has 12 games beginning with doubles to 10 and progressing in difficulty from 2 digit to 3 digits numbers and doubles
involving decimal numbers to 10.
This topic has 12 games beginning with halves to 10 and progressing in difficulty from 2 digit to 3 digits numbers and halves
involving decimal numbers to 10.
Division Facts
You can select division facts on individual or mixed times tables up to 10 or 12. There are two different options 'Hit the Answer'
or 'Hit the Question' and this topic is ideal for use in conjunction with the Times Tables topic.
Square Numbers
Using the Square Numbers topic provides a fun way for children to learn all the square numbers up to 10 × 10 or 12 × 12. Again, there
are two different options 'Hit the Answer' or 'Hit the Question'.