When is Chinese New Year?
As the date of Chinese New Year is based on a Lunar Calendar, which is a calendar based on the phases on the moon, it varies each year.
Each of the dates below corresponds to the new moon (black moon) which happens either in January or February.
Chinese New Year Calendar
Date of New Year | Zodiac Animal | Chinese Year |
10-Feb-2024 |
Dragon |
4722 |
29-Jan-2025 |
Snake |
4723 |
17-Feb-2026 |
Horse |
4724 |
06-Feb-2027 |
Goat |
4725 |
26-Jan-2028 |
Monkey |
4726 |
13-Feb-2029 |
Rooster |
4727 |
03-Feb-2030 |
Dog |
4728 |
23-Jan-2031 |
Boar |
4729 |
11-Feb-2032 |
Rat |
4730 |
31-Jan-2033 |
Ox |
4731 |
19-Feb-2034 |
Tiger |
4732 |
08-Feb-2035 |
Rabbit |
4733 |
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