In the Jungles of Brazil
A charming animated song about jungle animals. Children can sing along and and join in with the animal noises.
Chocolate Cake
Sing along to this catchy song all about delicious food. Sing along to the rhythm of the song that is about chocolate cake, blackcurrant juice and chicken rice and peas.
Get Growing
Choose and set your seeds and then see what else you need to make them grow. An easy game for young children.
Animals on the Farm Movie
A delightful animated movie with narration about animals that live on the farm and the noises they make.
Bookbug Song and Rhyme library
Find new songs and rhymes to share with little ones - including Gaelic.
Shape Puzzles
Complete the puzzles by matching the shapes and reveal each animal.
Five Little Speckled Frogs
Can you sing along with this number song about 5 little speckled frogs?
3-2-1 Snack
A fun early counting game where children practise counting to 6.
Shadow Shapes
Match shadows to their shapes.
City Mouse and Country Mouse
A video of an updated story of the Town Mouse and Country Mouse.