What was it like in Roman Britain?
Find out what it was like in Roman Britain and what customs the Romans brought with them. It covers family life and there is an interactive villa to explore.
Horrible Histories - Raid and Trade
Take charge of settlements in order to protect and guide Viking villagers to victory in battle and learn about Viking life along the way.
Elizabeth 1
An excellent animated short video about Queen Elizabeth 1.
Iron Age Hill Forts
An animated introduction to Iron Age hill forts that describes the Iron Age population of Britain and how they lived in tribal communities.
National Archives Education Service
A wonderful national archives online teaching resource structured to tie in with National Curriculum from Key Stages 2 to 5 and designed for teachers. It has a range of original sources including documents, film and sound recordings.
Victorians - Key Figures in History
A non fiction resource on key Victorian figures such as Queen Victoria, Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale, Charles Darwin and Ernest Shackleton. Ideal as a homework resource or for class research.
Heritage England Teaching Resources
Historic England offer a wide range of readymade free online learning resources for teachers. You can also search over 10,000 Educational Images, specially selected and re-captioned from their archive.
Explore Ancient Egypt
Find out what life was like 9000 years ago in Ancient Egypt. Study heiroglyphs and ancient mummies and see what they tell us about Egypt both long ago and today. Great on an interactive whiteboard using full screen option.
Ancient Egyptian Art Lessons
Learn about the Ancient Egyptians through these Egyptian Art Lessons. Discover the mysteries of Egyptian art, gods, crowns, and hieroglyphics. Great downloadable printables to support Ancient Egyptians history topic.
Ten Facts About Ancient Egypt
Travel back in time 5,000 years to discover ten fascinating facts about the Ancient Egyptians. It includes links to further information about Egyptian gods, heiroglyphics, Tutankhamun and how to make a mummy.