Circle of Life
The excellent site looks at the differences in life cycles of amphibians, birds, mammals and insects and also tests your knowledge. It is a useful for either whole class or use by individual students.
Science Bots
Test your science skills and help the Science Bots complete their experiments in the topics: Earth and Space, Electricity, Forces and Magnets, Light and Sound.
Sound Makers
A delightful video interactive about musical instruments and the science behind how they make sounds.
Animals and Plants
This site by San Diego Zoo is a mine of information about animals and plants, written especially for young people. It is a fabulous resource for research about paricular animals and is well worth a visit.
Abpi Resources for Schools
A selection of superbly designed, motivating science modules for ages 5 to 18. Included are interactive games, animations, downloadable resources such as posters and worksheets.
Butterfly Life Cycle
A series of pages about butterflies with stunning narrated videos of each stage of the butterfly life cycle.
BBC Higher Bitesize Revision
Higher Bitesize is a revision site especially for those students taking the Scottish higher examinations.
Birds and Wildlife
A wonderful site about how to help birds and wildlife.
BioEthics Education Project
Find information on a wide range of bioethical issues such as gm crops, climate change, genetic technology, pollution, biodiversity, farming and cloning. There is an online discussion area and teaching resources matched to A Level syllabi.
Seeds and Plant Growth Discovery Pack
This activity pack designed for 5 to 12 year olds can be used to encourage children to care for and appreciate living things and to think about the world around them. It looks at seed dispersal, germination, growth, parts of a plant and more.