Clock Splat
Match simple analogue times with digital equivalents. There are three levels of difficulty: hours, half hours and quarter hours.
Fishy Times Tables
A clever interactive which demonstrates times tables up to 10 x 10. It is useful for showing the commutative law of multiplication which means you can multiply numbers in any order and the answer is the same.
Adding Time Word Problems
Word problems where you need to read the time on either an analogue or digital clock and then answer a word problem involving adding a given time.
Match the Times
A flexible matching pairs game which can help you to tell the time.
Interactive Teaching Program on Area
This interactive teaching tool can be used in a variety of mathematical contexts such as multiplication arrays, finding different shapes with the same area, nets and more. It is useful because there are different backgrounds such as dots.
Red Cross Teaching Resources
Free teaching resources ideal for Citizenship, PSHE, tutor time and more.
The Poetry Zone
An inspirational poetry site with all sorts. If you are between 4 and 18 you can send in your poems to be published. There are ideas for teachers on how to teach poetry. Read interviews with poets and find contact details for poets who visit schools.
TES Education and Teaching Jobs
TES features UK and international teaching jobs.
Undercover Time Explorer
Go back in time to help prepare a feast of food and drink for Henry VIII in his Tudor kitchens at Hampton Court palace. Don't make the wrong choices or you could lose your job as a servant to the king.
Clocking In
A telling the time game about o'clock and half past times.