Teaching Advanced Physics
The site aims to help those new to teaching this age group, and assumes only a limited access to equipment, resources, and advice from experienced colleagues.
Teaching English
Free classroom materials including short activities to full lesson plans, for teaching kids and adults. There are also articles on teaching English, and free teacher development and teacher training materials.
Organ Donation Teaching Resources
At NHS Blood and Transplant, we have developed free teaching resources aimed at Key Stage 3 and 4 students to give young people the facts about organ and tissue donation. It includes lesson plans and a teacher guidance pack.
Teaching Syllables
A YouTube video of a teacher showing a clever method of using your whole body to figure out how many syllables or beats are in a word.
Maths Teaching Videos
Useful videos from a teacher showing methods of working through example maths problems.
Teaching about the Holocaust
Excellent resources for teachers of the Holocaust which include a publication giving guidelines on teaching this subject.
WWF Teaching Resources
Teaching resources from the World Wildlife Fund including lesson plans, suggested topics for discussion and project ideas.
A Walk Through Time - The Evolution of Time Measurement
This presentation traces the history of time keeping from the earliest clocks to present day. It explains ancient calendars and time zones.
Association for Citizenship Teaching
ACT is the professional association for those involved in citizenship education. This website offers resources and information to help teachers deliver citizenship education.
Teaching Science through Stories
Looking for inspiration for science activities in the classroom? This site has some great ideas taking stories as a starting point. Well worth exploring.