Placing Numbers on a Number Line
A versatile number line that can be used at many different levels beginning at numbers 1 to 10 up to fractions, decimals and negative numbers. Place numbers on a number line and see how close you can get.
Footprints have produced quality PowerPoint slides that cover the GCSE Science requirements. A subscription service but the site includes free demonstration samples.
Area Builder
A fabulous teaching aid and learning game site on areas, perimeter and fractions of shapes. You can toggle between one or two display areas which is useful if you want to compare different shapes.
Number Line
Number Line helps students visualise number sequences and illustrate strategies for counting, comparing or the four operations. Number lines can be easily adapted with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, or negative numbers.
Science Teaching Resources for Interactive Whiteboards
Six PowerPoint or Smartboard Notebook teaching resources for KS4 Science. Topics include balancing equations, chemical reactions, formation of crude oil, fractional distillation, industrial uses of enzymes, the Atom, the Halogens and the Periodic Table.