Letters and Sounds
Balloon Phonics
Balloon Phonics is a game which focuses on three letter words (cvc). There are three game modes: Initial sounds, Middle sounds and End sounds. Appropriate for Phase 2 Letters and Sounds.
Phase 2 Phonics
The 16 Learner Guides support children learning Phase 2 of the Letters and Sounds phonics programme. The fun videos help children to see letter sounds in words. It supports correct letter formation too.
Phonics Bloom
Phonics Bloom create interactive online phonics games to help teach children the relationship between letters and sounds and develop the skills needed to read and write.
Phonics Songs
Catchy animated phonics songs for both revising and teaching letter-sounds from Teaching Your Monster to Read.
Sky Writer
A handwriting demonstration tool which demonstrates correct letter formation. It works well as a whole class activity on an interactive whiteboard or in a group situation on a tablet. It includes a cursive writing option.
Phoneme Pop
A good game if you are learning your letter sounds. Try to pop the bubbles and collect them in the container at the bottom of the screen.
Short Vowel Word Machines
Can you read the three letter (CVC) words on these animated word machines?
Starfall - Learn to Read
This site can help you to learn to read. There are good quality games and animated stories. You can click on words to see what they say. This site can help you to learn the sounds that letters make.
Button Bop
A memory challenge game. Can you remember a sequence of up to 10 sounds and shapes? This is a good activity for helping a child's listening skills.
Grumpy Goats
A fun game to explore the sound 'g'. Choose the pictures that begin with 'g' and simple words that begin with 'g'.
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